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In the Classroom

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost for Blue Ridge Scottish Dance School?

We have rates for dancers, night dancers, and non-dancers with rates adjusted accordingly. We also, provide rates for residential and non-residential dancers. Double occupancy rooms are defined as 3 – 4 people sharing a 2 bedroom suite with one bathroom. Single occupancy rooms are defined as 2 people sharing a 2 bedroom suite with one bathroom. Each bedroom has two xtra-long twin beds. All participants arriving by car should bring your own linens and towels. BRSDS will provide linens, pillows, and towels for those arriving by air. Parking passes must be purchased for an additional charge for both residential and non-residential dancers with a vehicle.


Double occupancy rooms for 6 nights arriving on Sunday, July 7 between 3-5 pm and checking out Saturday, July 13 including 16 meals will run around $860. The single occupancy rate with meals is about $1045. Additional nights may be added on July 6 or July 13 for an additional cost. The fee also covers the ticket for the ball.

May I attend for a partial week?

We have reserved a limited number of slots for a partial week arriving between 3-5pm on Wednesday, July 10 - Saturday, July 13 with option to stay an additional night for the GMHG. The fee of around $535 double occupancy will cover 3 nights, 7 meals, and the ball. The single occupancy rate is about $625.

May I come for the weekend?

Yes, your fees will cover the ball on Friday and one night stay in the dorm Friday night, with the option to add Saturday night. No meals are included in this option. The rate is $95 for double occupancy and $125 for single.

May I stay off campus?

Yes, we have rates for non-resident dancers. Full week rate is approximately $430 and partial week rate around $325. No meals are included for non-residential participants.

Which meals are included in the tuition?

The meals included in the full week tuition include 5 dinners on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 5 lunches Monday-Friday, and 6 breakfasts Monday –Saturday. Note, the Thursday dinner will be a pizza party provided by BRSDS rather than the dining hall.

Partial week meals include dinner on Thursday and Friday, 2 lunches on Thursday and Friday, and 3 breakfasts Thursday – Saturday.

Why isn't dinner provided on Wednesday?

This year, you will have Wednesday afternoon free to explore Boone and the surrounding areas.  We will not be dancing Wednesday evening, but we will have our ceilidh Wednesday evening.

What special events happen during the week?

Monday evening’s dance will have a Regency Period theme. Our afternoon Tea will be offered on Tuesday this year. Our ceilidh will be held Wednesday evening. Thursday is Shades of Blue day and everyone is encouraged to wear a BRSDS t-shirt or something blue for our class photo taken immediately after class before lunch. We plan on having BRSDS Olympics on Thursday afternoon. Friday will be our Annual General Meeting after lunch followed by the ball walk through. There will also be several informative breakout sessions offered on various afternoons. Each evening after dancing concludes you are invited to the afters parties in the common room of Thunder Hill.

What fundraising opportunities exist for BRSDS?

You may order a beautiful hand thrown pottery mug by Rick Shireman with the BRSDS logo embossed on it with proceeds going to the Duard and Elizabeth Lee Barnes Scholarship Fund. You may sponsor a dance on the ball with those funds also benefitting the scholarship fund. Merchandise sales as well as the funds raised from the silent auction during the week will go to help defray the cost of Grandview Ballroom. Please be looking for unique

items to donate to the auction. Let Sarah Craighead know what you plan to bring and include a photo if possible.

What is the cancellation policy for BRSDS?

If you cancel prior to June 21 you will forfeit $150. Following the cancellation restrictions imposed by the university, no refunds will be given on or after June 21. We encourage you to consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance. Many options can be found on sites such as We cannot recommend one over another

How can I get to Boone?

For air travel arriving at Charlotte International Airport, a shuttle runs to Boone. See the Hickory Hop website for rates and routes: Hickory Hop - Airport Shuttle service Charlotte from Asheville, Boone/BR, and Hickory

Car travelers should map Thunder Hill Hall, University Housing Boone, NC. Be warned the speed limit on roads leading to Boone are strictly enforced

How do I attend the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games?

We hope you will take advantage of the optional additional night available at Appalachian State to attend the GMHG. Although there will not be Scottish Country Dancing at the games this year, there is an abundance of all things Scottish to see, hear, and taste at the games. Every effort will be made to find carpools within the dancing community.  There are several shuttles to the games, but you will need to drive to the shuttle parking lot.  Shuttle & Parking - Grandfather Mountain Highland Games (


Grandfather Mountain Highland Games – The Official Website of the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games and Gathering O' Scottish Clans (

Would I be able to attend the torch lighting ceremony on Thursday?

 You may attend the Thursday night torch lighting ceremony, but you will miss a night of dancing.  Due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to change our free day from Thursday to Wednesday this year.  More information about the ceremony can be found here on the games site:

What is there to do around Boone on our free afternoon?

After lunch, the rest of Wednesday will be free time with dinner on your own. You may wish to hike or explore scenic areas around Boone. Gardeners will enjoy the Daniel Boone Native Gardens close to campus. Shopping in downtown Boone and nearby Blowing Rock is great. Numerous breweries are close by and you’ll find delicious restaurants within walking distance of campus for your dinner.

Is parking included in tuition?

No, parking is not included since not everyone will have a vehicle with them.  All vehicles on campus must display a parking pass.  Parking is $6/day, Monday-Friday.  If you are riding with another dancer, only one of you needs to purchase a parking pass.  If you do not have a vehicle, check "parking off campus - no parking pass" on the registration form.  There are categories for full week, partial week, and weekend only parking included when you register.

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